Buying, Selling and Renting

Buying and Selling Land

Land can be freely traded on the secondary market. Your land can be bought or traded online including all buildings and rental agreements with players.

Renting Whole Land

If purchasing land was purely for investment or maybe you're going on a long holiday and don't have time to manage it. You can choose to rent your entire land block to a player who will pay you RPG tokens for the period of renting.

Players who rent land off landowners have the same rights as a landowner with the exception of selling the land on the secondary market.

Renting Part Land

Have you finished building that farm for your new horde of Fluffy Pumpies? But you have all this leftover land to be used. You can rent a percentage of your land to other players. You get RPG tokens and they get land with the same rights as you.

Renting Buildings

Players are able to rent buildings from landowners. The building base must be created by the landowner but the player can change the way it looks through the building menu. Buildings don

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