Levels and Staking Boosters System

Part of the Revolve play-to-earn model incorporates performance based staking rewards, based on a weighted points system. The percentage share of dynamically distributed staking rewards is calculated based on 4 values. These values are level points, rarity points, booster points and staked amount. Each of these is represented in the equation by a staking points weight (SPW) value.

Each tethered staking contract will receive rewards according to the following formula:

Weight = [1+(Level/100)]*[1+(Rarity Score/10)]*Outstanding Booster Points * Staked Amount


XP points are earned through gameplay and used to level up your character.

Each level adds a 0.01 base staking weight point, Maxing out at Level 100 with a 2.0 staking weight point



Level 1 = 1.01

Level 2 = 1.02

Level 20 = 1.20

Level 30 = 1.30

Level 60 = 1.60

Level 100 = 2.0

Booster Points

Booster points are the most impactful value in the staking rewards formula (of those which are multiplied by your staked amount). Staking boosters are rewarded through gameplay and aggregate in a dormant pool, boosters need to be redeemed by the user for them to begin to take effect.

Each booster has a lifespan of 3 days, your booster points will only affect the staking rewards during this 3-day duration.

See the levels system in action

Last updated