Plot and Setting

Pylon Defense sets the stage in the expansive cosmos of Selestium, where diverse lifeforms, the Starborn, thrive. Their survival hinges on the Pylons, ancient structures pulsating with life-sustaining energy. But the Pylons attract threats from the stars, the most ominous being "The Shadow." If The Shadow seizes the Pylons, the Starborn world will descend into darkness and despair. An elite force, the "Guardians," rises from the Starborn to fend off this looming disaster. As a player, you are one of the Guardians, battling to safeguard the Pylons while navigating the complex alliances of your comrades.

Pylon Defense is more than survivalโ€”it's a quest for unity, balance, and preservation of Selestium. It's about harnessing inner power, braving daunting enemies, and above all, defending the Pylons against all odds.

Pylon Defense will have a vibrant, upbeat tone. It will utilize highly stylized Sci-Fantasy with offbeat humor. Creatures to be encountered will also follow the theme of the biomes they exist in. In the desert biomes, serpentine creatures swim through the sands, and bird-like creatures soar in the skies harnessing the power of the sun.

Throughout the game, players will encounter the vestiges of powerful entities that shaped the world of Selestium, witnessing the consequences of their actions and the lasting impact on society. The setting reflects a post-war atmosphere, showcasing remnants of advanced technology, scarred landscapes, and a struggle for survival and order in the midst of chaos.

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